Thursday, October 23, 2008

Q without A

As usual with research, you end up with more questions than answers. These are the ones I ended up with...
How long does it take for words to get in the dictionary?
Are there any words with funny stories behind them?
Why do we have a dictionary that is supposedly better than the rest?
What do all those funny words mean??

Changing your mind

As I said already, on this project I came up with different beliefs and opinions. I am not exactly sure what made me change my mind, but I think it's something to do with this:
Every word I heard from people has a story behind it. How is that any different than the dictionary words?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I think in the future I should be more specific with my project. I kind of had two areas- the made-up word area and the dictionary area. In the future I will be sure to pick one right from the start.

Comments on my project

I think this project has really opened my mind. I used to think that it wasn't a word if it wasn't in the dictionary, but I have changed my mind. I now think that if people know what you're talking about, it's a word. Thank you to all of you who have let me see that.

Here is a video of me summarizing what I have learned on this project. The arm to the left of the screen is none other than Hainus Meretta herself. Yeah, THANKS, Hainus.

<3 Plutika

Friday, October 17, 2008

Examples of words that people use
molly whoop